
boops: what real gold jewelery has to do with fairness

boops focuses on durable jewelry made of pure gold - and on fairness. What do we mean by this? Lately you have certainly heard more and more terms like "fair fashion" and "corporate social responsibility". What is currently leading to a rethinking at large companies, we would like to implement right from the start: With boops, everyone - from the goldsmith to you as a consumer - should benefit from fair conditions.


The world has changed rapidly in recent decades. While the Internet, the globalization and the like bring us many advantages, consumerism and capitalism also have negative sides: As a consumer, you often pay a completely overpriced sum for products, which the company largely pockets as profit - without producers and other distributors getting a fair share.

This is different with boops, because we place a high value on moral guidelines right from the start. And this includes, first and foremost, fairness for everyone involved - from the supplier to the goldsmith to the end consumer. In detail, this means: We do not try to push down the prices for our basic hoops, we do not retain excessively high margins and can thus offer you, the consumer, a reasonable price for your real gold jewelry.

Part of the «Responsible Jewel Council»

As consumers, we are bombarded with so much advertising, PR, and brand messages that it's hard to keep track of what's true and what's just a marketing hoax. So that you can be really sure with boops, we have only chosen sales partners who are, among other things, part of the "Responsible Jewel Council". This organization sets global standards for respectful and fair treatment of all people and companies along the supply chain in the jewelry sector. The fact that our partners are part of the "Responsible Jewel Council" shows that they are just as committed as we are to fairness and respect for all those involved - and also for our planet.


Corporate social responsibility not only involves treating people well, but also the earth and its resources. As a young company, we therefore strive to act as sustainably as possible.

With the idea for our basic hoops we already thought of the aspect of sustainability: The earrings are made of pure gold and thus last a lifetime without rubbing off or fading. Furthermore, they have a real value and can thus even be inherited. With our simple designs, we also make sure that your boops go with any outfit and you can wear them day and night.

In order to act sustainably in all aspects, we also rely on packaging that is as plastic-free as possible: Your boops are carefully packaged in fabric, paper and cardboard and thus arrive at your door in an environmentally friendly and safe manner. 

boops is fair, sustainable and made to last

You may have already noticed: the topic of "Corporate Social Responsibility" is really close to our hearts. And it's just as important to us that you love your boops as much as we do. As a young company that is new to the jewelry business, we are therefore constantly working on improvements. With every order and every customer we learn something new. So feel free to look around our store and let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas for us!